Flower Care
Flowers: How to Lengthen the Life of Your Arrangement
A little extra care can make a big difference for any size flower arrangement or fresh flower bouquet.
Most floral arrangements last 4-7 days or longer, depending on the flowers used and the care they receive.
Your flowers may take up to 24 hours after being placed in water to reach their full potential. Strip off all excess foliage and leaves below the water level to reduce and harmful bacteria within the water. Bacteria can block the stem and stop the flowers taking up the water
For floral arrangements:
- Keep the vase filled (or floral foam soaked) with water
- If possible, re-cut stems by removing one to two inches with a sharp knife. Be sure to use a sharp knife or clippers that will not crush the stems. Immediately place the stems in water.
- Keep flowers in a cool spot (65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit), away from direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or on top of televisions or radiators. (Appliances like televisions give off heat, which causes flowers to dehydrate.) Most flowers will last longer under cool conditions.
- Keep the vase, container or liner filled with fresh water. Even if the container has floral foam, you should keep the water level high to promote long lasting flowers.
- Flowers like their stems trimmed. So, trim them, at an angle with a knife (rather than scissors) by an inch or so. When trimming stems, always cut at an angle of roughly 45degrees; this increases the surface area allowing your flowers to absorb more water.
- If a Rose stars to droop at the head, re-cut the stem, wrap the head in paper to support it upright and plunge 5cms of the stem into boiling water for about 30seconds. Cut the stem again and place in deep cold water for two hours
- Every few days, remove the flowers from the vase and re-cut the stems. Remove 3/4" to one inch from the bottom of the stem and be sure to cut the stem at an angle to allow the flower the best chance to take up water. Use a sharp knife or sharp floral cutter or scissor. Avoid smashing or piercing the stems, as this can destroy the water vessels in the stem and prevent water absorption. Remove any spent or damaged blooms or foliage that falls below the waterline in the vase.
For loose bunches or boxed flowers:
- Keep your flowers in a cool place until you can get them in water.
- Fill a clean (washed with a detergent or antibacterial cleaning solution), deep vase with water.
- Remove leaves that will be below the waterline. Leaves in water will promote bacterial microbial growth that may limit water uptake by the flower.
- Re-cut stems by removing one to two inches with a sharp knife. Place the flowers in the vase you've prepared.