Chrysanthemums Bring Joy from Gardens to Floral Arrangements
Popular Mumbai flowers, chrysanthemums come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Colors range from pure white to red, yellow, orange, rust, bronze, pinks, and lavenders. The range of colors makes them ideal for intricate floral arrangements. Chrysanthemums grace a number of our floral arrangements. Which are part of our online flowers delivery.

Chrysanthemum is part of the sunflower family. Its name is derived from Ancient Greek, meaning “gold flower.” Feng Shui adherents believe the chrysanthemum brings laughter and happiness to your home.
• Quilled daisy mums are daisy-like flowers with yellow centers. Their long narrow ivory-white petals resemble quills that expand to 4″ wide. It flowers from late summer to winter. These flowers, with their old-fashioned look, give an exciting contract to floral arrangements.
• Chrysanthemum Pink has vibrant yellow centers. Its colors range from lavenders, light pastel pinks to whites. These flowers bear six or seven rows of ray florets. Chrysanthemum Pinks bring a happy look to your garden. You can’t help but smile to see them in a floral display.
• White chrysanthemum flowers have giant double-headed rays that curve inward toward the center. These double pompoms or ball-shaped flowers make an impressive display. The vibrant crystal white makes a magnificent addition to floral arrangements.
• Garden Mums grow to a height of 4 feet. These cushion mums can be relied on to bloom continuously from late summer to the peak of winter. This joyous-looking bloom brings a feeling of happiness to any arrangement they grace.

• Shasta Daisy grows up to 2-3 feet tall in a bushy clump that spreads about 18 inches across. Their happy, bright white 2 – 5 inch flowerheads bloom from early summer to autumn. They have snow-white rays with golden yellow center discs. They are a hybrid of several species. Originally classified as a chrysanthemum, they were later transferred to their own genus. Many still view them as chrysanthemums.
• Spoon mum derives its name from the shape of its petals. Its semi-double flowers with yellow centers bloom from late summer to winter. This joyous-looking addition to any floral arrangement will bring happiness to the receiver.
• Chrysanthemum Yellow is similar to the White chrysanthemum flower. It has enormous double pompom or ball-shaped flowers with inward curling rays. This bright yellow globe brings a vibrant look to many floral arrangements.

• Spider mums have double heads with long tubular, spreading rays and hooked ends. The blooms are almost spider-like in appearance. Its yellow center and sprawling white petals give floral arrangements an intriguing aspect.
The exhibition chrysanthemum varieties can create many fantastic plant forms. Forms like the large disbudded blooms and artistically trained forms. Popular forms include thousand-bloom, fans, hanging baskets, topiary, bonsai, and cascades.
Order flowers online, our Floral Montage, Vibrant Pastels, Flowery Patio arrangements include chrysanthemums. Each intricate arrangement is created by our expert artisans.
When flower shopping, consider floral arrangements with chrysanthemums. Each unique chrysanthemum flower will bring joy and happiness to the recipient. Order May Flower arrangements online. Your flower delivery will bring pleasure.